Little Louieville
Seiling's first half-mile oval was built at the northeast edge of town early in the 1900s. The races became bigger and better. A grandstand was built and people from coast to coast were talking about "Little Louieville." Races where held twice a year, in May and September. Later, dog racing was introduced. Little Louieville became an example for other towns in Oklahoma. The Seiling race meet association was incorporated in 1935. Little Louieville has several "firsts" in Oklahoma racing circles: The first stationary starting chutes. Followed by the McMillan electric starting gate, and later, the mechanical closed starting gate. Special races for two and three year olds with a beautiful blanket and purse to the winner was adapted by other tracks after Seiling introduced it. At one time there were 33 race meets in Oklahoma. Resulting in a drop of attendance in every town. Seiling having lost money the past two years. Decided to call it quits in 1952. (Exploring Oklahoma History - Little Louieville)